The In Vivo Blog has a great post on how both campaigns are pandering to the "autism" vote such as it is and an honorable mention to Henry Waxman for standing up for science with regards to the autism-vaccine scare.
What's troubling is that Cong. Carolyn Maloney wants to do randomized trials to compare autism rates between groups of kids vaccinated with thimerosal preserved shots compared to those without.
Of course this is the handiwork of David Kirby and other anti-vaccine freaks who know they can tease out of any data the slightest link and build their case in court. The scientific community should say "no" to this pseudo-experiment.
What's troubling is that Cong. Carolyn Maloney wants to do randomized trials to compare autism rates between groups of kids vaccinated with thimerosal preserved shots compared to those without.
Of course this is the handiwork of David Kirby and other anti-vaccine freaks who know they can tease out of any data the slightest link and build their case in court. The scientific community should say "no" to this pseudo-experiment.