Regarding my previous post on Avastin naysayers someone commented: "Brain...Colon....time for you to learn the difference! Seriously though. Maggie's point, while possibly as overstated as your own point, is noted. Progression-free survival is a surrogate endpoint, and without some other demonstration of benefit (improved overall survival or improvement in a verified measure of quality of life), it is not very helpful for those trying to make some hard decisions regarding a difficult disease. Since the FDA has no real teeth to enforce post-approval study committments, if the company gets approval using "low-bar" standards, there is never any other bar that gets used."
I know the difference of course. And as far as progression free survival not being helpful or not being a quality of life measure..many cancer patients and physicians would beg to differ. If the commenter regards as a low bar standard then he can apply to himself, his loved ones and his friends. But don't impose it on me and my family. Improved survival overall in a disease that is as genetically diverse in origin and progression as cancer is total nonsense, a dodge for denying access and it is the ultimate low bar standard. It is death sentence for sure.
I know the difference of course. And as far as progression free survival not being helpful or not being a quality of life measure..many cancer patients and physicians would beg to differ. If the commenter regards as a low bar standard then he can apply to himself, his loved ones and his friends. But don't impose it on me and my family. Improved survival overall in a disease that is as genetically diverse in origin and progression as cancer is total nonsense, a dodge for denying access and it is the ultimate low bar standard. It is death sentence for sure.