Lest anyone forget, the indicted Democrat governor had lots of friends the last time he peddled his failed and fudged I-SaveRx program to reimport drugs from wholesalers in Canada, Ireland and other places that Blago made up on the fly....another scam:
"Blagojevich has been among a growing bipartisan group of politicians that is fighting Bush on the importation issue. He and U.S. Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., contend that increasing drug imports will create competitive pressures that will force pharmaceutical companies to lower their prices in the United States. The two have even organized a program, so far lightly used, in which residents in Illinois and a few other states can purchase drugs through the Internet from Canada and Europe."

"Blagojevich has been among a growing bipartisan group of politicians that is fighting Bush on the importation issue. He and U.S. Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., contend that increasing drug imports will create competitive pressures that will force pharmaceutical companies to lower their prices in the United States. The two have even organized a program, so far lightly used, in which residents in Illinois and a few other states can purchase drugs through the Internet from Canada and Europe."
Canada considers plan to stop Internet, mail-order drug sales to Americans.
Source: Chicago Tribune (Chicago, IL)