This is exactly what taxpayers were hoping to get for the $1 billion ...
A study to look at whether drinking rice milk and strapping autistic kids down and filling them with dimercaptosuccinic acid cures their disease compared to playing wiwth gluten free Play-do...?
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Studies that seek to squeeze down the cost of using drugs and technologies for cancer and arthritis in Medicare without regard to variations in genetics, age, race, comorbidity and all the other things comparative effectiveness was supposed to take into account... or as Kaiser Health "News" reports:
Don't know how I even got the two confused. Sorry. How stupid of me... Won't happen again....
AHRQ supports many important health care services research activities. However it's comparative effectiveness program is second rate, anti-innovation and is now being politicized by those in Congress and in the Obama administration who want to find money to pay for a government takeover of health care. Add to that, "stakeholders" are skewing the agenda and the science, allowing federal dollars to be devoted to study junk science about autism "cures" and vaccine dangers ...
A study to look at whether drinking rice milk and strapping autistic kids down and filling them with dimercaptosuccinic acid cures their disease compared to playing wiwth gluten free Play-do...?
Read more here
Studies that seek to squeeze down the cost of using drugs and technologies for cancer and arthritis in Medicare without regard to variations in genetics, age, race, comorbidity and all the other things comparative effectiveness was supposed to take into account... or as Kaiser Health "News" reports:
Comp. Effectiveness Promises Better, Cheaper Health Care But Critics Link It To Rationing
Read story hereDon't know how I even got the two confused. Sorry. How stupid of me... Won't happen again....
AHRQ supports many important health care services research activities. However it's comparative effectiveness program is second rate, anti-innovation and is now being politicized by those in Congress and in the Obama administration who want to find money to pay for a government takeover of health care. Add to that, "stakeholders" are skewing the agenda and the science, allowing federal dollars to be devoted to study junk science about autism "cures" and vaccine dangers ...