The focus on Senator Daschle's failure to pay taxes in a timely fashion should shift to examining who controls and gets the $1.1 billion in comparative effectiveness money that goes to Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. That cash will be doled out in large part on the sole discretion of Daschle himself who wants NICE-like comparative effectiveness rulings to determine tax benefits for insurance deductibilty. The rest is under the control of Carolyn Clancy and a handful of "stakeholders" largely beholden to to HMOs and ties to think tanks with funding from trial attorneys and foundations that support attacks on medical innovation and want a government take over of healthcare. In addition, the institutes carrying out the work are creatures of the HMOs themselves or contractors thereof.
No media scrutiny whatsoever and yet more than $1 billion of tax dollars to be spent in the stimulus....
Way to go. The media is complicit in the creation of a slush fund for Daschle that pales in comparison to whatever tax filing mistake he may have made.
No media scrutiny whatsoever and yet more than $1 billion of tax dollars to be spent in the stimulus....
Way to go. The media is complicit in the creation of a slush fund for Daschle that pales in comparison to whatever tax filing mistake he may have made.