Consensus on Healthcare Reform?

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  • 04/02/2009
Well, sort of.

The Center for Medicine in the Public Interest (the public policy institute home of is a member of the Health Policy Consensus Group, an affiliation of policy experts from major market-oriented think tanks and others who work together to advance patient-centered ideas for health reform.

That group has many ideas about how to move healthcare reform ahead in an expeditious and responsible way -- but our immediate concern is with many of the programs being both implemented and considered by the new administration.

First do no harm.

To that end we have issues the following statement:

Statement on Health Reform 


Would the health reform prescriptions offered

by President Obama and Congressional leaders help patients?

From the Health Policy Consensus Group

President Obama repeatedly has reassured the American people, “If you've got health care already, and probably the majority of you do, then you can keep your plan if you are satisfied with it. You can keep your choice of doctor.”  Research shows 82 percent of Americans rate the health care they receive as good to excellent.

At the same time, there are serious problems of cost, value, and access throughout our health sector.  It is vital to address these problems.  But any health reform proposal to change what needs fixing also must preserve the freedom, innovation, and quality of American medical care that people value.  We believe a better functioning, more competitive, and transparent marketplace would cover more people and deliver the higher-value care we seek.

We are gravely concerned that several of the proposals offered by the President and the Congressional leadership would make matters worse, not better.  These flawed prescriptions for radical change should not be accepted as part of any serious and sustainable health reform proposal: 

  • A new government health insurance plan
  • An employer "play-or-pay" mandate
  • A uniform, government-defined package of benefits
  • A mandate that individuals must purchase insurance
  • A National Health Insurance Exchange extending federal regulatory powers over private insurance
  • Federal interference in the practice of medicine through a federal health board, comparative effectiveness review, and other government intrusions into medical decision-making

As to why we explain below why we believe these ideas would diminish individual Americans’ freedom and control over their personal health decisions, please see the complete Statement on Health Reform here.

There are many problems that need to be addressed in the health sector, and the signatories to this statement have written extensively about our ideas for reform. Because the reform agenda is moving rapidly through Congress, we believe the American public should be aware of the likely impact of the policies described in this statement which are under active consideration by elected leaders.

We believe that the proposals put forth by the Administration and Congressional leaders would harm, not help, patients and would not fulfill the goals and promises made to the American people.


Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization promoting innovative solutions that advance medical progress, reduce health disparities, extend life and make health care more affordable, preventive and patient-centered. CMPI also provides the public, policymakers and the media a reliable source of independent scientific analysis on issues ranging from personalized medicine, food and drug safety, health care reform and comparative effectiveness.

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