For all those eager to kill off the US pharma industry, no need to worry, Cuba is filling the void with an ambitious program to find a use for coca leaves for every ailment. Who needs stem cells when you have the precursor for cocaine from Castro's labs?
Scientists seek coca's medical benefits
By DAN KEANE, Associated Press Writer Tue Mar 6, 6:54 PM ET
LA PAZ, Bolivia - Cuban scientists are studying the possible medicial benefits of the coca leaf, a Bolivian official said Tuesday, signaling a possible expansion of President Evo Morales' plans to develop more legal products from a plant that is the chief ingredient of cocaine.
Scientists seek coca's medical benefits
By DAN KEANE, Associated Press Writer Tue Mar 6, 6:54 PM ET
LA PAZ, Bolivia - Cuban scientists are studying the possible medicial benefits of the coca leaf, a Bolivian official said Tuesday, signaling a possible expansion of President Evo Morales' plans to develop more legal products from a plant that is the chief ingredient of cocaine.