A new poll sponsored by Medicare Today (an initiative of the Healthcare Leadership Council) shows that 90% of seniors are satisfied with Medicare Part D -- and approval has constantly risen since the plan came on line in 2006. "Nearly seven years later, 9 in 10 Medicare beneficiaries have prescription drug coverage," says the poll. "Satisfaction among those with Medicare Part D has grown 12 points from 78% to 90%. Most are very satisfied with their coverage and say their plan offers excellent value, reasonable costs, and convenience."
Seniors "feel peace of mind" with the prescription drug program, and regard it as "a safety net."
Among other poll findings show that without Part D: -- 84% report that out-of-pocket drug costs would be higher. -- 61% would be unable to fill all of their prescriptions. -- 53% would be more likely to cut back or stop taking medicine altogether.
Cooperation and partnership between the free market and Uncle Sam works.