Deal or No Deal?

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  • 08/11/2009

Last night CBS News reported, "When he was running for President, Barack Obama attacked pharmaceutical companies for charging too much for prescription drugs. But now he's teamed up with those same companies to promote his healthcare plan," and critics are accusing President Obama "of making a back-room deal that could end up costing seniors plenty." CBS added, "Initial reports said the White House agreed not to seek price controls on drugs for seniors on Medicare and would not support importing cheaper drugs from Canada. Both the White House and the pharmaceutical industry now dispute that." CBS also noted that news of the "back-room deal riled fellow Democrats."

So, no deal?

But on August 5th, the New York Times ran a front page article headlined,

"White House Affirms Deal on Drug Cost

It read in part,
Mr. Tauzin said the White House had tracked the negotiations throughout, assenting to decisions to move away from ideas like the government negotiation of prices or the importation of cheaper drugs from Canada. The $80 billion in savings would be over a 10-year period. “80 billion is the max, no more or less,” he said. “Adding other stuff changes the deal.” After reaching an agreement with Mr. Baucus, Mr. Tauzin said, he met twice at the White House with Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff; Mr. Messina, his deputy; and Nancy-Ann DeParle, the aide overseeing the health care overhaul, to confirm the administration’s support for the terms. “They blessed the deal,” Mr. Tauzin said. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the House was not bound by any industry deals with the Senate or the White House. But, Mr. Tauzin said, “as far we are concerned, that is a done deal.”

So, deal?

Simple yes-or-no question:  Does the President support "the deal" or does he not?



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