Decomposing Obamacare

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  • 09/16/2010
The diehard supporters of Obamacare consist of the bloggers and wonks who said ramming the bill down the throats of the American people would pay dividends because people would fall in love with the legislation after it was passed.

This litte group of elites guessed wrong.  Poll and after poll shows that not is Obamacare wildly unpopular but it remains a principal reason for voters to toss out Democrats in November.

Yet, the elites still insist that the law is popular:

"A new CBS/New York Times poll has found that 49 percent of Americans oppose the health care law, compared with just 37 percent who support it.
ObamaCare booster Jonathan Cohn, while acknowledging that recent polls have been discouraging, sees some silver lining in the CBS/NYT poll. He notes that "While 40 percent of respondents said they supported repealing the Affordable Care Act, more than half changed their minds (leaving just 19 percent in favor of repeal) when pollsters mentioned that it'd mean letting insurance companies exclude people with pre-existing conditions."

What a hypocrite.   As Phil Klein of the American Spectator points out:

"Yet this is the same argument that proponents of the legislation have used all along to explain poor poll results -- that it's more popular when you ask separately about its component parts. The problem is that the popular parts are linked to other less popular parts to make up the whole."

Moreover, Cohn and others have always insisted that you can't provide such exemptions without forcing everyone to buy into government approved plans and using price controls and rationing to control use of services.  You can't have it both ways: point to support of changes people are in favor of yet insist that the entire law in its current form must be implemented.     If pollsters mentioned other aspects of the bill -- as an earlier CMPI poll showed --  support evaporates.

The fact is, repealing the worst features of Obamacare and replacing it with something that gives people coverage, choice and control over health care decisions is something a vast majority of Americans favor.


Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization promoting innovative solutions that advance medical progress, reduce health disparities, extend life and make health care more affordable, preventive and patient-centered. CMPI also provides the public, policymakers and the media a reliable source of independent scientific analysis on issues ranging from personalized medicine, food and drug safety, health care reform and comparative effectiveness.

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