Did he really say that?

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  • 09/18/2009
I thought I was hearing things this morning when I watched this video of President Obama speaking to college students at the University of Maryland yesterday and he said this:
“We are the only nation on Earth that leaves millions of people without health insurance.”
Wow. I’ll let the absurdity of that statement speak for itself.
Now, for a politician who advocates big government, college students probably represent the optimal target audience. Many are still living with their parents, receiving government loans or other entitlements, and have yet to face the realities of life. In other words, they’re heavily insulated from the costs of big government due to their minimal experience in life.
There is another point President Obama made in his concluding remarks that needs some clarification.
“Health care is about more than the details of a policy.  It’s about what kind of country you want to be.  Young people, it's about what kind of country you want to be. We are the only nation on Earth that leaves millions of people without health insurance. We spend more than any country on Earth, and we're not any healthier for it.  So this is about what kind of country you want your children to grow up in.” 
When the president says we are not any healthier for our higher level of spending on health care, will somebody please ask him what exactly he means by that?
Aside from that, this debate is very much about what kind of country we want our children to grow up in.
Medicare is on an unsustainable financial path. Not too far into the future, there will be only two workers for every Social Security recipient.
And now the geniuses in Washington want to turn even more control of the health sector over to the government. Make no mistake about it, the quality of our medical care will undoubtedly diminish. The overall quality of life, standard of living and opportunities for many of the young people in attendance at the University of Maryland will diminish.
Over at State House Call, Greg Scandlen explains the irony of young Americans’ support for President Obama’s health care agenda:
Oddly, the key population to be hit with the effect of mandatory coverage are young adults, which are also the biggest supporters of Obama and health reform generally. The recent Census Bureau survey notes that 28.6% of young adults from 18 to 24 years old are uninsured, as are 26.5% of those from 25 to 34. That is double the rate of those of age 45 to 64.

Many of these people are in very good health, so don't feel a strong need for coverage, but in the proposals before Congress, they will not be allowed to benefit from their good health and will pay the same premium as people who are very sick.

These young people often have other priorities for their money. They are looking for a mate or starting a family. They are setting up their household from scratch and need to buy furniture, or save for the down payment on their first house. They are getting rid of the beat-up Toyota they used in college and buying a decent car to get to their new jobs. They are buying clothing that is suitable for the workplace.
Scandlen concludes:
Man, if this thing passes, these folks are in for a rude awakening. But, I guess growing up involves a whole series of disillusionments. This will be just one of many for the new generation.


Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization promoting innovative solutions that advance medical progress, reduce health disparities, extend life and make health care more affordable, preventive and patient-centered. CMPI also provides the public, policymakers and the media a reliable source of independent scientific analysis on issues ranging from personalized medicine, food and drug safety, health care reform and comparative effectiveness.

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