The New York Times reports that Dr. Paul Offit, the author of “Autism’s False Prophets,” is facing death threats for writing a book discrediting the supposed link between vaccines and autism.
As Dr. Offit explains:
“I’ll speak at a conference, say, to nurses. But I wouldn’t go into a bookstore and sign books. It can get nasty. There are parents who really believe that vaccines hurt their children, and to them, I’m incredibly evil. They hate me.”
This is hardly surprising.
The anti-vaccine zealots are typified by an uncompromising nature, a dogged fanaticism, and angry emotionalism – not dissimilar from those global warming alarmists who declare that a consensus on the issue has been reached despite the tens of thousands of dissenting scientists who believe otherwise. They leave absolutely no room for the possibility that they are wrong.
Suffice it to say, it’s a sad day when people who claim to be purveyors of sound science refuse to debate these issues in a respectful manner and even go as far as to issue death threats to shut down their critics.
CMPI Vice-President Robert Goldberg wrote a review of Dr. Offit’s book last year. You can read Dr. Goldberg’s review here.