Let’s give credit where credit is due – Mayor Bloomberg’s heart is in the right place. Obesity (especially of the childhood variety) is an epidemic that is going to sink us all unless we can address it immediately and aggressively.
But we have to address it smartly.
The media circus surrounding the Mayor’s call to ban large sodas is just silly. It reeks of nanny statism and diverts attention away from the issue. Plainly speaking, it trivializes the problem.
Prohibition doesn’t work. How many times do we have to learn this lesson? What works is personal responsibility and adherence to the Aristotelian Mean (aka – moderation).
In the immortal words of Nucky Thompson, “First rule of politics, kiddo: Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.”
It’s time to put headlines behind us and move on to addressing the real story.
And we start right here with a short video -- “Big Gulp Empire.” Have a look and pass it on.