Ah, the rites of spring! Baseball, cherry blossoms and the annual report of the Medicare trustees, who duly report that Medicare is going broke. Yet each year we have the routine response of politicians and pundits who wring their hands about the unsustainable rate of growth in health care expenditures.
Here's a typical comment: "Despite a massive increase in health expenditures together with a marked expansion in health workers over the past decade, the nation's health has improved less than expected. The benefits have not appeared to justify the costs. ... We have emphasized high-cost, hospital-based technologies " a situation " made all the more serious by the lack of emphasis on prevention of disease." Those observations were not made yesterday. They were made by Dr. John Knowles in a book titled "Doing Better and Feeling Worse: Health in the
It is useful to look back to see far how we have come even as some things stay the same. In 1974, cardiovascular disease was the cause of 39 percent of all deaths. Today it is about 25 percent. Cerebrovascular diseases were responsible for 11 percent of deaths back then. In 2004 they caused 6.3 percent of deaths. Kidney diseases were linked to 10.4 percent of deaths and now they are associated with 1.8 percent.
Of course, the longer people live the more likely they are to die from cancer or Alzheimer's. The percentages of deaths attributed to influenza and pneumonia have remained almost constant, as have the percentages of people dying from respiratory diseases.
As the genetic variations that predict our risk of disease and response to treatment are translated into tests and treatment, the waste from trial and error or unproductive intervention will fall as well. But there is a lot we can do without much effort to save money and improve health. More prevention, shifting care to lower-cost settings and rewarding people for healthier living can move us forward. That's not a crisis; that's an opportunity.
Here's a link to the complete op-ed: