Here's what Representative Henry Waxman (D, CA) told the American Medical Association the other day: "We all know that we have to get costs under control, but the way to do that is not to tell physicians what they can and cannot do or put them in a position where they cannot put the needs of their patients first.”
Mr. Waxman said this publicly at the AMA’s National Advocacy Conference.
“Don’t let anyone tell you that what I’m interested in is socialized medicine. I flatly tell you that is not the case … I am not interested in trying to put a public plan in place that would drive out competition.”
Thanks for that – but just what does Mr. Waxman define as “socialized medicine?”
We’ll see soon enough.
Good quotes from Mr. Waxman – but the winner of the drugwonks healthcare reform quote of the week (yes, even though it's only Wednesday) goes to Senator Ron Wyden (D, OR):
"Nobody disputes the fact that there's going to be some startup costs."
Thank you Senator Wyden.