Propaganda Machine For the Dartmouth Gang

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  • 11/02/2010 is the self-styled guardian of objective reporting on medicine and science.

It is simply a flack for the anti-medical progress and rationing crowd.

The website is a "project" of the Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making.  The Foundation is a pass through for HealthDialog, which has turned the Dartmouth belief that one third of healthcare is wasted into a decision tool health plans use to scare people away from things like prostate cancer surgery, hip replacements and other 'wasteful' activities.  Hence, as a project of the Foundation it promote the company line that new technologies should be evaluated in terms of cost and should be covered according to comparative effectiveness methodology.   The site has also helpfully put out a manual for health care reporters to 'guide' them in how to report on medical innovations. 

Healthnewsreview also provides a list of 'independent' experts on health care.  It includes Vera Sharav who runs the Alliance for Human Research Protection..  That's the group that says SSRIs cause suicide.  Very objective and scientific.   And Peter Breggin, who believes medication does not really work for mental illness. 

Also, Marcia Angell, Arnold Relman,  Merrill Goozner and a bunch of other people who make their living consulting for trial lawyers who sue drug companies.

The guy who runs this, Gary Schweitzer, is biased, which is ok.   But he is trying to pass himself off as the arbiter of objective journalism regarding healthcare.

To me, he is a full blown tabloid medicine machine with lots of dough to support him from a company that makes money by rationing healthcare.

Blood money.



Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization promoting innovative solutions that advance medical progress, reduce health disparities, extend life and make health care more affordable, preventive and patient-centered. CMPI also provides the public, policymakers and the media a reliable source of independent scientific analysis on issues ranging from personalized medicine, food and drug safety, health care reform and comparative effectiveness.

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