Florida Sun-Sentinel health columnist Nicole Brochu writes:
It has long surprised me, in an enviable kind of way, how the fight to beat breast cancer and bring awareness to this awful disease has mushroomed to the point where it essentially owns a color. Everywhere you go in October, the official Breast Cancer Awareness Month, people are wearing pink, from beefy pro football players to soccer moms and rock stars. So it did not come as a shock that when the FDA came out with a controversial decision revoking a drug used to treat advanced breast cancer, it lit the medical community afire with debate. There are some, like the FDA, who say Avastin's clinically proven benefits do not outweigh some serious side effects. In the piece below, Peter Pitts gives voice to the other side of the debate, and puts a face on the suffering some say would come if the government stands by its decision. Give it a read. If you are persuaded by his argument, there's an online petition to keep Avastin approved in breast cancer treatment.
My complete op-ed can be found here.