If You're Old, Black or Brown... You're Going Down

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  • 11/10/2009
The media's refusal to focus on the direct damage health care reform will inflict on the nation's poor and elderly is a disgrace, part of a willing effort to ignore the true human and economic cost of the proposals before Congress:

Here is an anecdote about how Medicaid performs today:

Holes in the safety net: Medicaid falls short just as some need it most
As need rises, patients struggle to find doctors who take the insurance plan

By Tom Curry and JoNel Aleccia
updated 11:13 a.m. ET Aug. 11, 2009

GOSHEN, Ind. - For weeks now, 2-year-old Ashley Soto's hair has been falling out in clumps and bunches.
Doctors at the Maple City Health Care Center, a neighborhood clinic where the toddler's family receives most care, couldn’t diagnose the problem. The child needed to see a specialist, but no local dermatologist would agree to accept Medicaid, the government’s safety net plan. Instead, Antonia Mejorado, 33, has to drive nearly two hours to see a dermatologist willing to treat her daughter's potentially serious illness.

“There is not a doctor around here that takes Medicaid,” said Mejorado, whose husband, Osvaldo Soto, 33, has recently seen his hours cut to almost nothing at a local mechanic shop....

About one in five physicians say they are not accepting any new Medicaid patients, largely because of low payments or delays in reimbursements, according to the Center for Studying Health System Change in Washington, D.C.

‘A lot of things are scary’
Ashley Soto, the 2-year-old with unexplained hair loss, is eligible for Medicaid because she was born in this country. The child’s parents, who are from Mexico, are not. Her mother worries that a serious diagnosis could mean more long days traveling the 75 miles between Goshen and Michigan City, Ind.

“A lot of things are scary — not having a doctor nearby in case something happens to her,” said Mejorado, who is also the mother of three other children ages 17, 14 and 14 months.
Things are going to get a lot scarier....

From an AEI Report

Medicaid: The Forgotten Issue in Health Reform
By Robert B. Helms
AEI Health Policy Outlook, November 2009

"...the distribution of federal Medicaid expenditures per poor person ranges from a low of $2,014 in Nevada to a high of $7,753 in Maine, an almost fourfold difference. One of the objectives of the original Medicaid legislation was to allow states the flexibility to design a Medicaid program that reflected the preferences of their voters and their willingness to be taxed to support the program. Some states obviously prefer more extensive programs than others, but this choice has been influenced by the availability of federal, open-ended matching. This has had the effect of expanding the program in all states, while expanding it relatively more in higher-income states. The availability of federal funds has also reduced the incentive for the states to design cost-effective programs or to reduce the level of fraud and abuse.

The politics of fixing this conundrum are indeed daunting since it pits one region of the country against another, but to ignore this effect means Medicaid will continue to do a poor job of helping the vast majority of the poor and disabled. Expanding Medicaid eligibility to more adults and to higher-income families with 100 percent federal financing may have a marginal effect to narrow this distribution, but it will not change the basic incentives now built into the system of federal financing."

And efforts to equalize Medicaid spending by "redistributing" resources to the lower cost regions will only hurt the concentration of urban poor in rich states... The same goes for efforts to punish doctors who spend more per patient than 10 percent of the lowest spending docs... (Features in health reform proposals in both houses)

And we are going to increase health care coverage for 50 percent of the uninsured in this fashion?

From the MSNBC report:

"Medicaid reimbursement rates can be as much as 40 percent lower than those for private insurance, according to John Holohan, the director of the Health Policy Research Center at The Urban Institute, a Washington think tank.

Michigan, for example, recently announced a 4 percent cut in payments to doctors, dentists and hospitals who treat Medicaid patients. The move prompted a new exodus of doctors who’ve decided to limit care.

"I love what I do, but I can't keep getting cuts from Medicaid," Dr. John Pfenninger, a family physician in Midland, Mich., told the Associated Press. "It's time to say no. "


Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization promoting innovative solutions that advance medical progress, reduce health disparities, extend life and make health care more affordable, preventive and patient-centered. CMPI also provides the public, policymakers and the media a reliable source of independent scientific analysis on issues ranging from personalized medicine, food and drug safety, health care reform and comparative effectiveness.

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