Is FiercePharma Becoming Bio-Luddite

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  • 08/20/2008
The latest synoposis about Merck suggests that whoever is writing Fiece Pharma is going over to the dark side:

"This is in addition to Merck's efforts to make the vaccine mandatory for young U.S. girls, with many wondering if the rise in cervical cancer vaccines are due to increased awareness or to Merck's aggressive, award winning and highly controversial marketing schemes. "

First of all, is the above an actual sentence written by a journalist whose first language is English or was it translated from the original Vulcan?

Second, given the increasing reliance on other blogs with a bias as a primary source instead of real background, it is obvious that FiercePharma believes that arsenic causes diabetes, all marketing is a ploy and vaccines are dangerous.

Third, the argumentation of the piece is consistent with tendency of bio-Luddites to use their belief than medical innovations are just an excuse to rape the public as evidence instead of a fearful emotional response.

Note the lack of clear deductive or inductive reasoning balanced with a complete lack of empirical information. For instance there is a problem with increased used through marketing but not public there a difference? Or are those responding to Merck marketing brainwashed and the those that received it from on high enlightened? Does evidence of adverse events mean the vaccine should NOT be marketed. What is the marketing was less aggressive? And what about the trend towards not covering by insurance companies? Obviously sales are lagging so what good is awareness is the so-called health maintenance organizations won't pay for prevention? They cover chicken pox vaccines but not cervical cancer?

Previously Fiercepharma claimed a article relying upon memos redacted and provided by tort lawyers that was published in the Archives of Interna Medicine (or was it annals? Who cares, right?) alleging the Advantage study Merck conducted was primarily for marketing "proves" that it was so because it was run in a "peer reviewed journal." It is my humble opinion that the Advantage study was designed to assauge fears, but that is just my opinion and publishing it here or even in JAMA using documents from a biased source does not make it fact.

I am supposed to be on vacation.

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