Is the RPM Blog on the Nissen Commissioner Bandwagon?

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  • 11/11/2008
I love the RPM eletter.

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What's with the "Steve Nissen isn't so bad" and "would be good for industry" rationalization en route to claming he has the inside track because he's been "vetted" by the Obama campaign to be FDA commissioner?

Sorry for all the quotation marks. Let's go to the RPM post and deconstruct.

"We have no idea if Nissen will end up at FDA—but as an Obama advisor he has already been vetted in case he is picked for some kind of government post. "

Nissen was not an Obama advisor. He was an Obama surrogate and contributed to the Obama campaign and might have sent some materials in as part of a cast of thousands. But "vetted" like a nominee would be vetted? Hardly.

Here's more:

"First, as commissioner, Nissen can’t just lob grenades as products the way he has been in recent years. Sure, he might pull Avandia outright, rather than cripple it commercially—but as commissioner he also has to set some constructive public health agenda that doesn’t simply involve taking potshots at individual products."

Pull Avandia? Can we say conflict of interest? If I am at his confirmation hearing that would be the first question I ask. Would he recuse himself in every drug he has worked on, commented on or is working on?

"Second, Nissen is not a drug safety gadfly at heart. Believe it or not, he wants to see industry succeed at developing innovative products. After all, he does drug development himself, and has spoken out in favor of products like Lilly’s prasugrel. As commissioner, you can bet Nissen would work just as hard to encourage the types of products and studies he likes as he would to discourage those he doesn’t."

Ah yes Lilly's prasugrel. Which is a good drug. But so is Plavix. But Plavix was developed by BMS. And BMS made Pravachol which was trashed by Nissen in the REVERSAL study. BMS also was the target of Niissen's wrath with respect to Pargluva. The question is: Did Nissen first offer to use his ultrasound study to cast Pravachol in a good light only to be rejected? That's happened before according industry and academic insiders. And the REVERSAL study? It gave credence to Nissen's research for Esperion Therapeutics ("a mere 47 patients showed that the company's injectable drug, ETC-216, decreased artery plaque by a statistically significant 4%, ten times the decrease seen with Lipitor." ) On the basis of that study, Nissen peddled the sale of Esperion to.....Pfizer! ETC-216, like many other drug development programs Nissen has participated in, have gone nowhere. But to assert "that you can bet Nissen would work just as hard to encourage the types of products and studies he likes as he would to discourage those he doesn’t" is inconsistent with how Nissen has used his research as a protection racket.

"Last but not least, there is the Kessler effect: the last time a commissioner was appointed who defined himself by making enemies in industry, he also gave the agency the credibility it needed to establish accelerated approval and the user fee program. Kessler was never popular with industry, and drug companies celebrated his departure. But drug approvals have been in steady decline ever since. Coincidence or not, those were the good old days."

User fees were a Dan Quayle and David McIntosh idea. Accelerated approval under Kessler? He was forced to it under pressure by AIDS activists and the Gingrich-led Congress in 1994. The Clinton administration couldn't re-invent the drug approval process fast enough. He didn't give the industry any credibility. And to suggest that Nissen's demand for mandatory safety trials prior to approval for cardiovascular risks for all drugs and the elimination of surrogate endpoints (except for those he has developed) would somehow advance the public health is absurd.

There are many other individuals outside of the FDA who could be superior stewards of the public health, who would regard the reforms and post market safety activities as a platform for effective leadership and not for the self-promotion and self-dealing that is the hallmark of Nissen's career.

This is -- and should not be -- a "fight" between industry and some annointed enemy of the companies.


Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization promoting innovative solutions that advance medical progress, reduce health disparities, extend life and make health care more affordable, preventive and patient-centered. CMPI also provides the public, policymakers and the media a reliable source of independent scientific analysis on issues ranging from personalized medicine, food and drug safety, health care reform and comparative effectiveness.

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