The news coverage of yesterday’s H.E.L.P. committee hearing on Dr. von Escehnbach’s confirmation as FDA Commissioner focused almost exclusively (yep, you guessed it) on Plan B.
Is there anything else? Not according to the MSM and certain pols and pundits.
Is there anything else?
You mean like, perhaps, moving forward in the war against disease? Perhaps new ways to accelerate the approval of life-saving cancer medications, advances in the treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease, better more robust ways to understand and use biomarkers and innovative biomedical technologies to allow the safer, more targeted use of existing drugs?
Is there anything else?
Here’s what Andy had to say in his opening remarks:
“A few weeks ago I spoke with a young mother who happened to be celebrating her daughter’s birthday when I returned her call.
She shared with me that she had a tumor for which she had already been treated with surgery and chemotherapy but the tumor was growing and threatening her life and her hope of being there for her daughter’s next birthday. The question she wanted to ask me was IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE. Senators and Members of the Committee, millions of people are asking if there is anything else. Anything else for cancer, Alzheimer’s, AIDS, diabetes, Avian flu — anything else to protect our food supply, improve nutrition, alleviate obesity, keep our animals healthy and cosmetics safe. The fact is that there cannot be anything else without this FDA — a modern, efficient and effective FDA.”
So, indeed, there is something else. And that something else is advancing the public health.
Oh — and by the way — all of the members of the committee agree that Andy is highly qualified. I guess that’s not enough for a speedy confirmation anymore. Or is it?
Time for a vote. Anything less is holding the public health hostage for political reasons.