Nothing like a self-inflicted wound to start your day.
So, not only was it a no-bid contract, it was a sham one as well – hiding an inside-the-Beltway public relations deal behind the façade of a contract with a minority contractor from Alaska. (Anybody out there miss the irony?)
After being made aware of The Post's findings, FDA deputy commissioner John Dyer said he had suspended the contract and ordered an independent investigation.
Too little too late.
And check out this amateurish spin -- Qorvis’ Don Goldberg told the Post that “It was not appropriate (for the FDA) to hire Qorvis directly.” But it was okay for the agency to hire Qorvis indirectly -- via an intermediary that has no relevance to the task? Come on. And, get this – Goldberg leads Qorvis’ crisis communications practice!
When I was at the FDA as Associate Commissioner for External Relations, my budget for public outreach was zero dollars. We did consider hiring an outside PR agency and did what the agency is supposed to do – issue an RFP for the assignment. (We opted, at the end of the day, not to hire an agency.) And the budget at the time was $30,000 – ten times less than the no-bid Qorvis deal.