With their dream of socialized medicine fading before their very eyes, the smear merchants at Media Matters are in propaganda overdrive.
Media Matters is falsely claiming that a recent Atlanta rally in defense of health care freedom fell far short of expectations:
Right-wing organizers hoped 15,000 people would attend a Centennial Olympic Park rally this weekend to yell and scream about health care reform. In the end, just one-fifth of that showed up.
Not true. More than 12,000 Americans showed up at the rally.
A 90 degree weather, raging humidity, scorching sun, and a security team greeted all attendants of the Healthcare rally at the Centennial Olympic Park downtown Atlanta this Saturday.
Upon entering the area, after having their bags and backpacks searched, everyone received a paper hand "bracelet" that read "americastownhall.us". The bracelet helped organizers keep track of how many people attended.
The event started at 1 p.m. and ended shortly before 4 p.m. At around 3 p.m. it was announced there were at least 12,000 in attendance.
Not only that, the rally was competing with a Paul McCartney concert in the area, the extremely hot weather, and an Atlanta Braves game. 12,000 people still showed up to make their voices heard on this issue.
At the end of the day, Media Matters’ continued diminution of the majority of Americans who stand opposed to a government takeover of health care only deepens that outfit’s lack of credibility with the public.
In that regard, more power to them.
By the way, CMPI’s Vice-President Robert Goldberg participated in the Atlanta rally. Video of the entire rally can be viewed here.