The vast majority of people who will receive what is deemed health care coverage in both House and Senate bills will be through Medicaid -- a government run program. The consequences of this feature of "reform" will be severe and far-reaching, creating shortages in physician care and undermining access to medical services. This quote from a doctor in South Dakota sums up the the wonderland we will all live in in the years ahead...
“If you end up seeing patients that cost you money to see, and you have no other ability to make up for that ... then you have to decide if you’re going to continue to see more Medicaid patients,” said Tom Huber, MD, president-elect of the SDSMA in a March 2009 interview for KELO-TV. “If taking care of more people under
the Medicaid program means my business no longer survives, then I’m doing a disservice to all the other patients, and that’s the dilemma that physicians are facing.
You can read all about how shoving people into Medicaid could very well be the most cynical element of health care reform...
“If you end up seeing patients that cost you money to see, and you have no other ability to make up for that ... then you have to decide if you’re going to continue to see more Medicaid patients,” said Tom Huber, MD, president-elect of the SDSMA in a March 2009 interview for KELO-TV. “If taking care of more people under
the Medicaid program means my business no longer survives, then I’m doing a disservice to all the other patients, and that’s the dilemma that physicians are facing.
You can read all about how shoving people into Medicaid could very well be the most cynical element of health care reform...