Midterm Missive

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  • 11/03/2010

Okay, take a breath.

How many times did you hear the words “historic realignment” over the course of this election cycle? How many times did you hear it when President Obama was elected two years ago?  How many times when the Democrats took control of Congress four years ago?

We can safely assume that, when it comes to “historic realignment,” the phrase has been overused and is largely rhetorical -- unless you are a fan of the Miami Heat.

But that doesn’t mean the midterms are unimportant or unlikely to deliver some real health care-related fireworks.  Au contraire.

When it comes to health care reform and a 21st century Food and Drug Administration (FDA), will the 112th Congress be sanguine or sanguinary?  Or is there a third way – of bipartisanship? 

A Republican majority in the House of Representatives means three things:

  1. 1- New members – who will need to be educated on many important and arcane policy points;
  2. 2- New staff – who will have the power to influence the education of their new masters; and,
  3. 3- New committee and subcommittee chairs – who will have the power to call hearings, select witnesses and wield the power of the gavel over some very exigent issues.
  5. Take another breath.

Will the 112th Congress usher in a new spirit of bipartisanship on healthcare reform and a 21st century FDA?


That’s the difference between a hearing aid and a hearing problem.


That’s the difference between addressing policy concerns and playing politics.


Winners and losers (and not to mention “enemies”) aside, we’ve got an opportunity to work together on healthcare, FDA and a plethora of other issues.


Or we can all go down with the (partisan) ship. It’s time for pragmatism.


To paraphrase, "Voters, what have you wrought?" "An opportunity -- if you can keep it."


For a complete response to the impact of the election, click here to read CMPI's complete "Midterm Missive."


Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization promoting innovative solutions that advance medical progress, reduce health disparities, extend life and make health care more affordable, preventive and patient-centered. CMPI also provides the public, policymakers and the media a reliable source of independent scientific analysis on issues ranging from personalized medicine, food and drug safety, health care reform and comparative effectiveness.

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