In case you missed the news, SiCKO is now out on DVD – and it seems that New York Times columnist Paul Krugman made a beeline to Blockbuster.
Call it an early Hanukah present for a true believer.
His column, “Health Care Excuses,†replays the same tried and untrue arguments made in the Moore-ish cult classic. Here’s a link:
Looks like he read our November 5th blog, “Debunking Some Health Care Urban Myths" --
-- where we take many of the more infamous Moore/Krugisms to task.
Well, at least he's reading -- if not learning.
(And we'll keep trying.)
Call it an early Hanukah present for a true believer.
His column, “Health Care Excuses,†replays the same tried and untrue arguments made in the Moore-ish cult classic. Here’s a link:
Looks like he read our November 5th blog, “Debunking Some Health Care Urban Myths" --
-- where we take many of the more infamous Moore/Krugisms to task.
Well, at least he's reading -- if not learning.
(And we'll keep trying.)