"More" Tastes Better

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  • 05/18/2009

Legend has it that the great Bauhaus guru Walter Gropius coined the phrase, “Less is More.”  But it was Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (the visionary behind such edifices as the Seagram’s Building in New York) who quipped, “but more tastes better.”

And indeed it does.

So, in the spirit of “more tastes better,” please welcome the newest pharma blog “More than Medicine.”  It’s sponsored by GSK and can be found at


Here’s the “More than Medicine” credo:

“Too often the U.S. pharmaceutical industry's communications to the outside world are seen as a bit stuffy and formulaic.  Not to be too defensive, but there is a pretty good reason: we're under greater scrutiny than many other industries--and rightly so.  We're in the healthcare business, and what could be more important than the health of our child, parent, spouse, or partner?  Healthcare is an incredibly personal and emotional issue, and we ask doctors and patients to put a great deal of faith in what we say and the products we make. But healthcare is about more than medicine.  It's about trying to make sure that patients have access to the best care, treatment and medicines available. It's about doctors and other prescribers being able to match the right patient with the right medicine.  It's about each of us doing our very best to lead healthy lifestyles. Healthcare is about preventing people from becoming ill; managing diseases when they become sick; and continuing the search for better treatments and cures. That's why GSK started the More Than Medicine blog.  Our goal is to encourage an open, productive discussion about a range of topics related to the US healthcare system and how it can be improved.  And we're going to try and do our best to provide a GSK perspective that doesn't sound like it's written in legalese." 

So, for those of you who embrace legalese – sorry.  For everyone else – hooray!

There are a series of “legacy” posts (posts that predate the official launch) and they’re worth reading.  I served as a beta tester of this site and found it interesting (a must) and timely (unusual, but pleasantly surprising from the Brethren of Big Pharma).

Have a look. Regularly. 

And congrats to GSK for their effort.  Welcome to the neighborhood.


Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization promoting innovative solutions that advance medical progress, reduce health disparities, extend life and make health care more affordable, preventive and patient-centered. CMPI also provides the public, policymakers and the media a reliable source of independent scientific analysis on issues ranging from personalized medicine, food and drug safety, health care reform and comparative effectiveness.

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