Mike Rogers has spoken -- with deep conviction and from personal experience as a cancer survivor -- twice at CMPI forums about the need to avoid one size fits all approaches to evaluating health care technologies...and now he has translated his passion into action by introducing an amendment to the Waxman healthcare bill that would ban the use of comparative effectiveness studies in rationing or denying access to new technologies or care. Incredibly, Waxman and many others on the committee raised objections to the amendment...
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Meanwhile, the increasingly anti-pharma fiercepharma can't say enough about how horrible it is that CER can't be used to deny people access to new drugs and devices... Because if people die in the pursuit of denying drug companies profits, that's just the cost of advancing one's ideology... My advice, to the fierce proponents of public options and government guided decisions... why not enroll in Medicaid and tell the rest of us lesser mortals what it's like? Put your lives where your mouthpieces are (or is??)
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Meanwhile, I will move to Mr. Rogers' neighborhood.
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Meanwhile, the increasingly anti-pharma fiercepharma can't say enough about how horrible it is that CER can't be used to deny people access to new drugs and devices... Because if people die in the pursuit of denying drug companies profits, that's just the cost of advancing one's ideology... My advice, to the fierce proponents of public options and government guided decisions... why not enroll in Medicaid and tell the rest of us lesser mortals what it's like? Put your lives where your mouthpieces are (or is??)
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Meanwhile, I will move to Mr. Rogers' neighborhood.