According to PharmaTimes, CanWest Mediaworks, Canada’s largest newspaper publisher and owner of more than 30 television stations, is suing the federal government for not permitting direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs because, it says, this breaches its freedom of expression under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
CanWest is arguing in the Ontario Superior Court that this prohibition, which is part of the Canadian Food and Drugs Act, places it at a competitive disadvantage to US newspaper and magazines which are sold on Canadian newsstands, because it prevents it from selling advertising space to pharmaceutical manufacturers. The company also points out that Canada does allow OTC medicines to be advertised directly to consumers, even though these products also carry risks.
The case will be heard this month.
CanWest is arguing in the Ontario Superior Court that this prohibition, which is part of the Canadian Food and Drugs Act, places it at a competitive disadvantage to US newspaper and magazines which are sold on Canadian newsstands, because it prevents it from selling advertising space to pharmaceutical manufacturers. The company also points out that Canada does allow OTC medicines to be advertised directly to consumers, even though these products also carry risks.
The case will be heard this month.