The National Pharmaceutical Council is sponsoring several studies that will allow consumers, researchers and entrepreneurs to determine whether CER is enabling personalized medicine or not. NPC is launching these different projects -- ranging from evaluating whether CER is truly capturing genetic and clinical differences and using it to measuring outcomes as well as whether CER is being used to promote individualized treatment decisions -- to create a badly needed critical mass of research. The result could be the creation of metrics and benchmarks for determining whether CER is advancing personalized medicine or making it more difficult. Moreover, the research can and should be used to shape PCORI and ARHQ funding priorities so that it focuses more on how to increase access to individualized medicine and ensuring that CER does not add cost or delay access to new technologies.
NPC should be commended for its pathbreaking investment in studies that seek to make medicine truly patient-centered. Here's a link to the NPC press release describing the research:
NPC should be commended for its pathbreaking investment in studies that seek to make medicine truly patient-centered. Here's a link to the NPC press release describing the research: