The NY Times rejoinder to Elliot Fisher is devastating and could have been even more complete if Reed Abelson and Gardiner Harris had not pulled their punches on such aspects of the Dartmouth empire as it's deep involvement in and financial dependency on Health Dialog...
It also raises the stakes on the Berwick nomination since Berwick's love and faith in Dartmouth is well known and has been reciprocated. From an earlier NPR report"
ROVNER: So at first glance, the person President Obama has chosen, Donald Berwick, seems an unlikely candidate. He's a mild-mannered pediatrician and Harvard Medical School professor. But Dartmouth health policy researcher Elliot Fisher, who's worked with Berwick for years, says he's the perfect choice to implement some of the most sweeping changes to the nation's health care system in generations.
Dr. ELLIOT FISHER (Researcher, Dartmouth Health Policy): Don Berwick is a visionary leader who not only understands health care, but also understands and has shown that he can help physicians, nurses and hospital leaders work together to improve the care that patients receive.
I smell hypocrisy and an unwillingess to respond to this important question.