No Social Media Please, We're Pharma

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  • 06/30/2009
Ambiguity is a virus. When it comes to social media, the more the FDA says about what is and what is not “in compliance” vis-à-vis social media, the less we seem to understand – and more conservative we become. This is not the right answer.
The right answer is to understand the medium and use it to advance both the public health and specific marketing objectives. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Let's take blogs as our example.
Blogging is a potent weapon in both the war of ideas and the marketplace of communications. Blogs are wonderful tools when used appropriately. They are pithy, witty, and timely. A wonderful triple play – but counter-intuitive to many pharmaceutical marketing cultures. Brevity is the soul of wit – but not necessarily of medical marketing.
The tools of the blogosphere are immediacy, emotion, humor, asperity and acerbity. “Let me ponder the nuances of your argument” is just so 20th century. The best bloggers are both incisive and sassy. Blogs act as message accelerators. While a good Op-Ed is absorbed, a timely blog is injected, main-streamed into the collective consciousness of a variety of interconnected audiences. Good blogs resonate.
How can healthcare companies take advantage of this phenomenon? One word – engage. But engage carefully. Legal and regulatory issues abound, but a smart place to start is to spend quality time identifying which blogistas are the most relevant to a product or an issue or a company and then read them every day throughout the day. The best blogs are updated more than once a day. It's hard work, but it's worth it. And, relative to metrics, it isn't the top 10 – it's the right 10.
Blogs are the new frontier of pharmaceutical communications. The best bloggers are activist, educated, unpaid, unprompted and uncontrolled. Blogs are real-time focus groups without either the design or permission of the sponsor. Its voyeuristic marketing – wonderfully, terribly, brutally naked in both honesty and utility. The medium is the message.
And the message is being regularly trawled by the mainstream media for “what's next.” I blog every day and regularly get calls from “traditional” journalists to discuss what I'm saying and where I think its going. And if your cognitive mapping is having a hard time accepting this proposition – ask Maureen Dowd.


Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization promoting innovative solutions that advance medical progress, reduce health disparities, extend life and make health care more affordable, preventive and patient-centered. CMPI also provides the public, policymakers and the media a reliable source of independent scientific analysis on issues ranging from personalized medicine, food and drug safety, health care reform and comparative effectiveness.

Blog Roll

Alliance for Patient Access Alternative Health Practice
Better Health
Biotech Blog
CA Medicine man
Cafe Pharma
Campaign for Modern Medicines
Carlat Psychiatry Blog
Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry: A Closer Look
Conservative's Forum
Club For Growth
Diabetes Mine
Disruptive Women
Doctors For Patient Care
Dr. Gov
Drug Channels
DTC Perspectives
Envisioning 2.0
FDA Law Blog
Fierce Pharma
Fresh Air Fund
Furious Seasons
Gel Health News
Hands Off My Health
Health Business Blog
Health Care BS
Health Care for All
Healthy Skepticism
Hooked: Ethics, Medicine, and Pharma
Hugh Hewitt
In the Pipeline
In Vivo
Internet Drug News
Jaz'd Healthcare
Jaz'd Pharmaceutical Industry
Jim Edwards' NRx
Kaus Files
Laffer Health Care Report
Little Green Footballs
Med Buzz
Media Research Center
More than Medicine
National Review
Neuroethics & Law
Nurses For Reform
Nurses For Reform Blog
Opinion Journal
Orange Book
Peter Rost
Pharm Aid
Pharma Blog Review
Pharma Blogsphere
Pharma Marketing Blog
Pharmacology Corner
Pharmaceutical Business Review
Piper Report
Prescription for a Cure
Public Plan Facts
Real Clear Politics
Shark Report
Shearlings Got Plowed
Taking Back America
Terra Sigillata
The Cycle
The Catalyst
The Lonely Conservative
Town Hall
Washington Monthly
World of DTC Marketing
WSJ Health Blog