On Monday the AMA House of Delegates soundly rejected the recommendations of The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs: Industry Support of Professional Education in Medicine. The report echoed the Macy Foundation Report's recommendation to remove all commercial support for medical education.
Earlier in the day the Reference Committee on Amendments to Constitution and Bylaws recommended the CEJA report “for referral" so that it will not be presented on the house floor for a vote.
Since the Reference Committee did not recommend “not adoption,” CEJA can revise and (improve) their report for presentation at a later meeting as soon as this time next year. However, given the strength of almost unanimous opposition to the recommendation, it’s not likely come back to the House of Delegates anytime soon.
At the reference committee hearing on Sunday only two speakers spoke in favor of adoption of the report; the current CEJA chairman, Mark Levine, MD, and one other physician( unaffiliated).
According to our roving correspondent, when Dr. Levine stood up at the microphone to present his committee’s report he told the Chairman of the reference committee, Dr. Raymond Christenson, that he wouldn’t take up much time given that all those behind him in line were in favor of the proposal -- at which the chairman commented, “Dr. Levine there is no one behind you, so take your time.”
What time is it when Dr. Levine can’t see his shadow? Time to toss in the towel.
One of the strongest, most consistent, and eloquent voices against the CEJA proposal was Dr. Tom Stossel, American Cancer Society Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
We recently visited with Tom in his Boston office. Here’s a link to the video podcast:
Take your time Tom; we’re all behind you.
Earlier in the day the Reference Committee on Amendments to Constitution and Bylaws recommended the CEJA report “for referral" so that it will not be presented on the house floor for a vote.
Since the Reference Committee did not recommend “not adoption,” CEJA can revise and (improve) their report for presentation at a later meeting as soon as this time next year. However, given the strength of almost unanimous opposition to the recommendation, it’s not likely come back to the House of Delegates anytime soon.
At the reference committee hearing on Sunday only two speakers spoke in favor of adoption of the report; the current CEJA chairman, Mark Levine, MD, and one other physician( unaffiliated).
According to our roving correspondent, when Dr. Levine stood up at the microphone to present his committee’s report he told the Chairman of the reference committee, Dr. Raymond Christenson, that he wouldn’t take up much time given that all those behind him in line were in favor of the proposal -- at which the chairman commented, “Dr. Levine there is no one behind you, so take your time.”
What time is it when Dr. Levine can’t see his shadow? Time to toss in the towel.
One of the strongest, most consistent, and eloquent voices against the CEJA proposal was Dr. Tom Stossel, American Cancer Society Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
We recently visited with Tom in his Boston office. Here’s a link to the video podcast:
Take your time Tom; we’re all behind you.