Pfizer will directly fund basic research in an open-ended collaboration with Univ of Calif San Francisco..I hope this gives the connect dots crowd angina (that drugs developed through this deal with Satan can treat) so that they in turn can refuse them based on the Pharmalot principles:
1. Any drug developed by a collaboration with BIG PHARMA is by definition less effective and more dangerous than literature and FDA documents state and is more dangerous and less effective than bloggers, trial lawyers and unbalanced patients proclaim.
2. Any older drug is safer and more effective than any newer drug even though every older drug was developed in the same fashion as newer drugs.
3. Newer drugs are more dangerous and less effective older drugs because older drugs are made by generic companies who don't market products and newer drugs are approved by an FDA run by a Bush administration appointee.
4. Any research produced by anyone who has ever consulted with or conducted research for a biotech or pharmaceutical firm is tainted and the results, though reproduced and validated by scientific methods, are false.
5. Except Steve Nissen.
6. Or Curt Furberg