It's time to go beyond FDAMA 114.
Representative Brett Guthrie (R/KY) introduced the Pharmaceutical Information Exchange (PIE) Act of 2017 (H.R.2026). The bill incorporates the multi-stakeholder consensus recommendations developed during a forum sponsored by the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy. The legislation would allow biopharmaceutical manufacturers to proactively share clinical and economic information with population health decision makers on emerging therapies in advance of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval, an area that is significantly restricted by current federal laws and FDA regulations.
Representative Brett Guthrie (R/KY) introduced the Pharmaceutical Information Exchange (PIE) Act of 2017 (H.R.2026). The bill incorporates the multi-stakeholder consensus recommendations developed during a forum sponsored by the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy. The legislation would allow biopharmaceutical manufacturers to proactively share clinical and economic information with population health decision makers on emerging therapies in advance of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval, an area that is significantly restricted by current federal laws and FDA regulations.