Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) comparing the health care law to Freddy Krueger:
“Democratic leaders talk about the need to protect or increase their majorities so that Obama doesn’t miss an opportunity to “build upon it next year.” Given the nightmare scenario we are facing in our health care system, and our disastrous fiscal situation, this could be more like the return of Freddy Krueger.
“The American people have seen through the costume of false promises that conceal the true effects of this far-reaching law, which are likely to haunt us until we reverse course.”
Representative Fred Upton (R-MI) when asked if he is planning to call Secretary Sebelius and other HHS officials before the House Energy and Commerce Committee should he become Chairman:
“Oh yeah. I don't know that a lot of people know her. She's only been up once before the committee. They're writing a lot of regulations to help the states write regulations to promulgate. ... She might get her own parking place in Rayburn.”
Pacific Research Institute Senior Fellow Jeffrey H. Anderson on health care’s reform’s impact on the midterm elections:
“Even when voters emphasize the economy, they generally do so in a way that very much involves ObamaCare. Voters aren't so much angry that their representatives haven't fixed the economy but that they haven't prioritized the economy -- that they passed a $787 billion "stimulus" that merely stimulated the National Debt Clock and then turned their attention to what they cared about most: passing a huge health-care entitlement that a clear majority of Americans opposed.”