Reality Check on Health Care Reform

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  • 03/09/2010
The President's proposal states:  "As the numbers of Americans without insurance falls, the Act saves taxpayer dollars by keeping people healthier before they join the program and reducing Medicare’s need to pay to hospitals to care for the uninsured. And to make sure that the quality of care for seniors drives all of our decisions, a group of doctors and health care experts, not Members of Congress, will be tasked with coming up with their best ideas to improve quality and reduce costs for Medicare beneficiaries."

Fast forward to the present.  The RAND Corporation reviewed the ability of Britain's National Health Service -- the ultimate public option with centralized control over health spending, treatment practices, reimbursement levels and performance standards -- to keep people healthier and make sure qualiity of care drives all decisions.  RAND looked at the NHS ability to deliver high quality care after increasing spending on health care during that time at a rate faster than spending in the US. 

Here's what the study found:

A damaging rift between doctors and managers: “The GP and consultant contracts are de-professionalising, and have had the peculiar effect of simultaneously demoralising and enriching doctors. We’ve lost the volitional work of the doctors and far too many of us are now just working to rule.”

Pointless new structures. “Stop the restructurings. The only thing they generate is redundancy payments.” One body responsible for improving standards reported to five different ministers and had three different names in the space of 30 months.

A culture of fear and slavish compliance. “The risk of consequences to managers is much greater for not meeting expectations from above than for not meeting expectations of patients and families.”

RAND notes that the NHS has implemented all manner of quality commissions, practice guidelines, performance standards, value-based reimbursement contracts with doctors, etc.   Sounds a lot like the Senate and House bills right?   The RAND study noted that comparative effectiveness studies came in for particular criticism by everyone within the NHS:

"NICE is too focused on fiscal issues: This concern likely arises because NICE is simultaneously considering clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness. Implementation of NICE technology appraisals is mandatory which underscores the focus on fiscal issues. Concerns were also raised about whether the thresholds are adequate (£30,000 per quality adjusted life year) and about the limited and somewhat weaker economic evidence relative to clinical evidence. This led some observers to suggest that the UK needed guidelines development that would not account for resource issues."

This concern about NICE --  the "group of doctors and health experts" President Obama refers to -- is related directly to the feeling among NHS managers and and GPs that they are simply instruments for carrying out the fiscal goals of the NHS at the expense of the needs and health of patients.   And meanwhile, none of the new structures, measurements or studies have improved care.   Instead, as the RAND study notes:

"Concerns have been raised about perverse incentives for treating multimorbidity patients imbedded in the financial incentives." 

Or as the President said: "And to make sure that the quality of care for seniors drives all of our decisions, a group of doctors and health care experts, not Members of Congress, will be tasked with coming up with their best ideas to improve quality and reduce costs for Medicare beneficiaries."


Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization promoting innovative solutions that advance medical progress, reduce health disparities, extend life and make health care more affordable, preventive and patient-centered. CMPI also provides the public, policymakers and the media a reliable source of independent scientific analysis on issues ranging from personalized medicine, food and drug safety, health care reform and comparative effectiveness.

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