Hugo Chavez's close personal friend, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is being mentioned as a possibility for the post of EPA Administrator in an Obama administration.
Kennedy has earned a reputation over the years for his phony (but media friendly) attacks on the drug industry.
EPA calls for sound science. Kennedy is best know for pseudoscience.
For example, RFK, Jr. once claimed that the CDC and big pharma supposedly "covered up" a link between mercury in vaccines and autism, all the while misrepresenting the science.
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This is change we can believe in?
Kennedy has earned a reputation over the years for his phony (but media friendly) attacks on the drug industry.
EPA calls for sound science. Kennedy is best know for pseudoscience.
For example, RFK, Jr. once claimed that the CDC and big pharma supposedly "covered up" a link between mercury in vaccines and autism, all the while misrepresenting the science.
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