Self-Determination vs. Public "Option"

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  • 08/17/2009
I was in Atlanta where I was part of America's Health Care Town Hall.  The event ran from 1-4 pm and was up against 95 degree heat, a major hair stylist show, a nationally televised Phillies-Braves game and a Paul McCartney concert about four blocks away.

That's competition for you.

12,000 people showed up. 

They were not angry or unAmerican or part of any lunatic fringe group as Speaker Pelosi would have it.  They were not evilmongers as Senator Reid claims they are.

They were friendly, happy and well-informed about the health care bills pending in Congress.  They were not bitter or clinging to guns.  They had a dry sense of humor as many of the signs suggested.  Obamacare Rx.. " Take two Tylenol and call me when you're dead"(When I was on stage and told the assembled I was Yankee fan, they booed me.  One of the participants reminded me this was a pro-NRA crowd....)

And they had or have their own ideas about how to fix health care, combination of an insistence that no one be left behind,  America's cutting edge science with self-determination:

1.  Get rid of the public plan. 
2.  Eliminate any vestige of government bureaucrats deciding what is valuable or wasteful or cost-effective.
3.  Let people create their own health networks and buying groups around what is best for them based on patient-centered needs and outcomes. 

It's our money, our lives, our choices.  We have given up too much control to government over decisions too important for far too long.

Time to take back control.  

The arrogant effort of a liberal elite to centralize control over the practice of medicine and the capitulation of "stakeholders" in that effort have triggered among many an awakening that health care is a decision we have left in the hands of people and organizations that do not have our interests at heart. 

Simply modifying the public "option" will not do.

Only self-determination will suffice. 

That's what I learned from my fellow Americans in Atlanta.

Read more about the Atlanta Health Care rally here.

Here is a picture of me with extremely poor posture...

Video footage of the rally can be viewed here.

Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization promoting innovative solutions that advance medical progress, reduce health disparities, extend life and make health care more affordable, preventive and patient-centered. CMPI also provides the public, policymakers and the media a reliable source of independent scientific analysis on issues ranging from personalized medicine, food and drug safety, health care reform and comparative effectiveness.

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