Here is the response of Sens. Murry and Clinton on the news that Plan B might be available without an prescription to women 18 yrs and older:
“Today’s announcement is nothing more than another delay tactic. The FDA continues to shirk its duty to serve as an independent agency dedicated to no other goal than the promotion of sound science and the well-being of the American people,”
As Peter and I have asked before: Denying the FDA a permanent commissioner over Plan B advances the public health exactly how? Placing a hold on a FDA appointment because of condom labeling or having a Senate commitee review scientific decisions promotes sound science in what specific ways?
We look forward to the day when a member of congress places a hold on a nomination or pledges to boost FDA to dramatize the lack of effective treatments for Alzheimer’s or childhood cancers or taks a stroll over to HHS to thank FDA employees for approving a lifesaving treatment. Until then, the sounds of silence about how the FDA is shirking sound science from the Beltway blowhards would be a relief and might even reduce the oppresive humidty.