Congressman Phil Roe, M.D., writes in Politico about his legislation to undo IPAB:
Fixing Medicare should not compromise patient care. The president’s health care bill created the controversial Independent Payment Advisory Board. This panel of unelected bureaucrats, whose sole purpose is to decide whether to offer Medicare benefits based on a budget, could lead to government rationing of care.
With Medicare’s worsening outlook, President Barack Obama is now trying to double down on his health care plan — and allow the board to ration even more care.
I have introduced bipartisan legislation to abolish the IPAB, with more than 120 cosponsors to date. By passing our bill, Democrats and Republicans can declare with a unified voice that charging unelected bureaucrats with patient care decisions is unacceptable. We must preserve Medicare by giving patients the power to control their health care.
CMPI interviewed Congressman Roe last year. Watch that interview here.