"His approval ratings slipping, President Barack Obama is retooling his message on health care overhaul, aiming to win over Americans who already have insurance."
Wait a minute. I thought the goal of reform was to cover people who did not have insurance and couldn't afford it or were denied coverage. Shouldn't the proposal be retooled as opposed to the message?
"Republicans say the heated debate is a sign of widespread public dissatisfaction with Obama's ideas. But with some of the anxieties spilling into angry disruptions and even threats, Democrats have accused Republicans of orchestrating the events to sabotage legislation. In an article published Monday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer wrote, "Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American."
Obama and his aides stayed away from such provocative language"
Right, they just set up a government website to collect information about political opposition and promising congressional Democrats that they would "punch back twice as hard" against opponents. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0809/25891.html
Do they address the major flaws and impact of every proposal on the table.