The Conflict of Interest Priesthood is Defrocked

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  • 09/19/2008
Danny Carlat, the self-annointed, holier than the rest of , high priest of what passes for bias and conflict of interest in medicine doesn't like it when someone suggests that the assertion that pharmaceutical support for CME is corrupting is simply an biased assertion that survives only in an evidence free zone.... This exchange, which shows the practicing psychiatrist becoming unhinged by my fairly mild post, shows what happens when a self-righteous gasbag is punctured:

Getting Slimed by the Slime Specialists

"I must be doing something right. Yesterday, after I provided some free publicity for an upcoming "evidence-based" evaluation of industry funding of CME, I received the following comment from the Vice President of CMPI, Robert Goldberg:

Apparently you are the only pure one left on the planet. You have no biases or opinions that color your judgment or clinical practice. And of course your opinion about the negative pharmaceutical industry's impact on research -- none of which can be demonstrated through the traditional scientific methods but only appeals to emotion -- are right and everyone else is wrong. But that's not bias. Apart from the fact that the Sourcewatch material is three years old and outdated (which means you didn't even bother to check the facts since our 990 is readily available) you don't even have the intellectual or moral courage to engage on the merits of the issue CME or more generally the relationship between industry and academia. Rather, you resort to the oldest rhetorical trick in the book: attacking the character or motives of a person who has stated an idea, rather than the idea itself. That's the sign of a bully and a coward. If you had any integrity or guts at all you would show up at our session (the very thought of it must give be keeping you up nights!!) engage in reasoned discussion. But I doubt you will.

In this response, Mr. Goldberg demonstrates exactly why his organization and his blog have become notorious for perfecting the art of personal-attack-as-policy-discussion. Those who want to find example after example of Mr. Goldberg's and Mr. Pitt's inimitable rhetorical style should read this expose recently published in    Here Danny links to the ravings of Evelyn Pringle....a most reliable and objective source of information...

Some of their pit bull (sans lipstick) pronouncements:

--"Sidney Wolfe, Public Citizen’s General Secretary of Junk Science..."

--"Not the real FDA - a Grahamatization" (referring the David Graham, the FDA analyst who revealed the extent of the Vioxx health risks)

--"That's the sign of a bully and a coward," describing me. We've descended to that level of name-calling now?

If Mr. Goldberg would like to engage in the merits of the CME discussion, he merely has to read dozens of my prior postings, in which I comment ad nauseum on the innumerable developments, debates, and policy pronouncements in the world of CME. If he would like concrete examples of commercially biased CME, I have provided them in spades.

Unlike the speakers at his conference, I don't have Fortune 500 companies standing in line ready to pony up for a trip to Washington D.C. at a moment's notice. If CMPI really wanted to engage in an "evidence-based" discussion, they would have invited speakers with alternative points of view, but they didn't, and because of that, the conference is a charade and is merely an opportunity for networking among those who profit mightily from industry-sponsored CME. "

And here's the psychiatrist's temperate posting of the previous day....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Jurassic CME Park comes to Capitol Hill

Look out, congressmen and senators. The dinosaurs are stampeding the Hill.

That reactionary unthink tank, Center for Medicine in the Public Interest (CMPI), is sponsoring what they are calling an "Evidence-Based Evaluation" of industry support of continuing medical eduation. You can view their invitation here.

For those who have not yet learned about CMPI, go to Sourcewatch for as much information about them as you can stomach. Essentially, they are a front group for the pharmaceutical industry, the CME industry, and whatever other stakeholding company is willing to fund them according to this menu of donating options. For example, $10,000 buys you a "corporate sponsorship" and up to four meals with "CMPI research scholars," $25,000 nets you a seat in the "Chairman's Circle" and an invitation to a "summit," and big spenders can go whole hog with a $100,000 membership in the "President's Club," and a "personal briefing."

Joining with this den of integrity will be none other than George Lundberg, M.D., editor-in-chief of Medscape. Dr. Lundberg embarrassed Medscape and the entire medical community recently with this
video editorial in which he responded to the CME concerns of the nation's top medical organizations by saying: "We are just going to keep doing what we are doing. It is good. We are clean. Our work is transparent.”

Other participants, all of whom will examine the issue from a balanced and "evidence-based" perspective, are:


--Peter Pitts, who bills himself on the invitation as the "President of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest," neglecting to mention his day job, which is Senior Vice President for Health Affairs at the global public relations firm, Manning, Selvage & Lee.

--Michael Weber, MD, listed as "Professor of Medicine, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY." Apparently a printing error omitted the fact that he is the co-chairman of the "National Campaign to Control Hypertension," a group of hired gun physicians funded by Novartis to make sure your doctor and my doctor hear good things about Exforge, Novartis' new blood pressure pill.

--Roger Meyer, MD, listed on the brochure as "Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown University and Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania." Unfortunately, there just wasn't room to disclose the fact that he is actually the CEO of a company called Best Practice
, which helps companies market their drugs via CME and provides a roster of "key opinion leaders" for hire.

I've only scratched the surface here, folks. There are many more speakers scheduled, all of whom are similarly dispassionate observers of the CME scene, and are equally scrupulous in their disclosures.

The event will occur on Monday, September 22, 8:00 – 12:30 pm, at 121 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC. You can RSVP with Mario Coluccio at 212.417.9169, or email her at

If you do go, I have a word of advice. Be careful around the speakers. Dinosaurs bite.



Center for Medicine in the Public Interest is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization promoting innovative solutions that advance medical progress, reduce health disparities, extend life and make health care more affordable, preventive and patient-centered. CMPI also provides the public, policymakers and the media a reliable source of independent scientific analysis on issues ranging from personalized medicine, food and drug safety, health care reform and comparative effectiveness.

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