IQWiG presents a method for evaluating the relation between cost and benefit
After nearly two years of development and extensive discussion in the scientific community, the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) presents its methods for evaluating the relation between cost and benefit. The Institute can now apply these methods when working on certain commissions awarded by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA). The method developed by IQWiG is suitable for passing on recommendations to the GKV-Spitzenverband [National Association of Health Insurance Funds] for establishing maximum reimbursable prices. Moreover, in line with legislation, it ensures that medically necessary interventions will not be withheld from patients for financial reasons.
As the Institute's director, Peter Sawicki, explains, "The 'analysis of the efficiency frontier' is the most suitable method for the German system. During the various submission of comments procedures, no participants came up with a better alternative proposal. Contrary to what some critics maintain, we are not following a different course to other countries. While our procedure is quite different to that in the UK, there are a lot of similarities with Australia."