One of things I miss about having kids under the age of 7 (mine are 19 and 15 so pray for me) is Sesame Street. I know, lots of “politically correct” issues, but even so it’s very educational and entertaining.
I especially liked the songs about the various letters of the alphabet. My favorite? “Letter B” sung to the tune of “Let it Be.” But I digress.
What I really want to talk about it the letter “D” — yes like in Part D.
“D,” in this context, does not and should not stand for “donut hole” — but that’s what the MSM thinks it means. What it actually stands for is “decision” — the decision to accept the responsibility for making smart health care choices. But that’s not a sexy news story and the media-savvy apostles proselytizing for Son of HillaryCare are doing a superb job feeding the frenzy with their anecdotes of woe.
Why are the anti Part D-ites focusing on the donut hole? Simple — because it paves the path for their ultimate message that “health care is complicated, so let Uncle Sam do all the work for you.”
Wrong! The consumer must be a partner in health care as well as health coverage — and not the junior partner either.
Those opting to focus on the donut hole today are the same people who, putting politics in front of the public health, worked tirelessly to frighten people away from signing up in the first place. One of their tactics was repeating the lie that there are no Part D insurance plans that provide for donut hole coverage.
Remember: “D” doesn’t stand for “donut hole”, it stands for “decisions” — and the right to have more than one.