Here's the gift that will keep on giving...
From the LA Times round up of the year's top ten scams...
"Natural" Viagra turned out to be not so natural in some cases.
Some over-the-counter supplements, with names as unsubtle as 4Everon, claimed to remedy erectile dysfunction as effectively as the prescription drug.
The Food and Drug Administration found that they indeed did their job well. But that was because the active ingredient in the concoctions was the same as in real Viagra.
The scam could have serious consequences because the "supplements" posed health problems if mixed with drugs taken for diabetes and other conditions.
The FDA forced 4Everon off the market."
As for names...I still like the Chinese rip-off of Viagra name...Big Brother,1,2647940.story?coll=la-headlines-business
From the LA Times round up of the year's top ten scams...
"Natural" Viagra turned out to be not so natural in some cases.
Some over-the-counter supplements, with names as unsubtle as 4Everon, claimed to remedy erectile dysfunction as effectively as the prescription drug.
The Food and Drug Administration found that they indeed did their job well. But that was because the active ingredient in the concoctions was the same as in real Viagra.
The scam could have serious consequences because the "supplements" posed health problems if mixed with drugs taken for diabetes and other conditions.
The FDA forced 4Everon off the market."
As for names...I still like the Chinese rip-off of Viagra name...Big Brother,1,2647940.story?coll=la-headlines-business