Barack Obama:
“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” (applause) “I see no reason why the United States of America, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, spending 14 percent of its Gross National Product on health care cannot provide basic health insurance to everybody. And that’s what Jim is talking about when he says everybody in, nobody out. A single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. And that’s what I’d like to see. But as all of you know, we may not get there immediately. Because first we have to take back the White House, we have to take back the Senate, and we have to take back the House.”
Barack Obama on single payer in 2003
Guess what
Mammograms: 88.6% of American females 40-69 had ever had a mammogram compared to 72.3% of Canadians.
Women are ten percent less likely to survive five years with a breast cancer diagnosis in Canada and 20 percent more likely to die from breast cancer in Canada. If rates were adjusted for race and stage the difference would likely be higher.
Though the breast cancer drug Herceptin was approved in 1998 it was first used in Canada in 2005 and even then it's access to high responders was rationed.
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Change we -- and women with breast cancer -- don't need.