Tobacco Road to Perdition

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  • 06/23/2009
I don’t really want to rain on anyone’s public health parade, but giving the FDA the authority to “regulate” tobacco isn’t that great an idea.

Sorry. And I know how excited everyone is and everything.

FDA regulation of tobacco? Bad idea. Really.

Is cigarette smoking deleterious to America's health. Absolutely. Should Americans who currently smoke quit? Absolutely. Should the FDA regulate tobacco products? Absolutely not.

One major problem with the legislation is that it sets a very high bar (both scientific and procedural) before the FDA could approve a claim of "modified risk." The impact here would be to reduce any tobacco company's ability (or, most probably, desire) to promote their brands that are lower in nicotine content or, indeed, to even develop such products.

Or consider this, adult smoking has been declining since 1997 due to a number of things including clean air laws, media campaigns, and youth access programs. And these victories were achieved on the state level. With FDA as the nation's tobacco Tsarcoe Selo it will be difficult if not impossible (given today’s economic circumstances) to convince state legislators to continue to allocate the funds required for robust state-level tobacco control programs. After all, now it’s the FDA’s responsibility.

Can you say “FEMA?

Then, of course, there's the question of both FDA resources and expertise. Let's take the latter first. What is the current level of FDA expertise in tobacco regulation? Zero. As far as resources are concerned, the FDA's tobacco program will be funded by user fees. And, considering the current state of FDA funding and staffing, you have to ask yourself -- is that really the way we want to be going.

So, when you consider all of these issues, the answer to "Will FDA regulation of tobacco help to reduce tobacco use in America?" is very much an open one.

Sorry about that. Really sorry.


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