The Senate Finance bill is over 1500 pages long. But when it comes to the infamous “Doc Fix” (and its nearly 10 year $250 billion price tag), there’s only a one-year patch – with the cost offset by taxes and reduced spending elsewhere.
What about the other nine years?
That, it seems, is the purview of S.1776 and, according to the New York Times, “Congressional Democrats have no plans to offset the cost of S. 1776, which is why they are eager to keep it separate from the broader health care legislation and avoid breaking the president’s promise.”
That promise again, “I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits — either now or in the future. Period.”
Well, it seems that many in Congress are looking at the “period” and seeing an ellipse.
The Times continues, “Congressional Democrats insist that fixing the doctor payment formula should not count toward the cost of the big health care legislation, because it is a problem they inherited.”
Unlike the problem of the uninsured? Unlike the problem of preexisting conditions? Unlike the problem of the donut hole? Unlike the problem of (FILL IN THE BLANK)?
Sounds like a total ellipse of the sum.
What about the other nine years?
That, it seems, is the purview of S.1776 and, according to the New York Times, “Congressional Democrats have no plans to offset the cost of S. 1776, which is why they are eager to keep it separate from the broader health care legislation and avoid breaking the president’s promise.”
That promise again, “I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits — either now or in the future. Period.”
Well, it seems that many in Congress are looking at the “period” and seeing an ellipse.
The Times continues, “Congressional Democrats insist that fixing the doctor payment formula should not count toward the cost of the big health care legislation, because it is a problem they inherited.”
Unlike the problem of the uninsured? Unlike the problem of preexisting conditions? Unlike the problem of the donut hole? Unlike the problem of (FILL IN THE BLANK)?
Sounds like a total ellipse of the sum.