According to FDA Commissioner Peggy Hamburg there is “a lot of energy” spent by industry and FDA on DTC issues … I think it’s a missed opportunity to do something much better if we’re going to be talking about drugs and health to the public at large. Certainly one of the discussions that I’ve been engaged in with industry is how can we use some of the time and money that they’re putting into this to really address broader public health concerns and broader education with the public about important health issues.”
I agree! Have a look at this article from Health Affairs for more on this issue.
The article’s conclusion –
“Working together with industry, we can make a difference. We can make DTCA a more potent, precise, and persuasive tool on behalf of the public health. And rather than rubbing the lamp and wishing, we need to burn the midnight oil and work harder to make it a reality—because an educated consumer is our best customer.”